Creating Personalized Portfolios: Tracking Progress for Older Struggling Readers

online reading programs for struggling readers plop present levels of performance reading assessment Jun 04, 2024

If you are:

  • Moving to a new school
  • Needing information for a meeting with a specialist
  • Doing a reading assessment to create action steps or “where to start…”
  • Wondering what action steps to set up

This portfolio checklist is a great place to start!  

This checklist is designed for teachers and specialists to collect valuable data on readers. Grade level is not specified, allowing you to choose texts and reading samples that match each reader's current ability. The focus of the initial reading portfolio is to understand the reader's current proficiency without concern for grade level, providing a clear picture of their reading skills and needs.

Created out of years of implementation, research, and  battle-testing

It is holistic.  Why is that important? Reading Wellness evidence can keep you from weeks or months of wondering why a strategy isn’t working.   The best reading strategy for the struggling individual will work only if it’s personalized for that learner.  This is why it is important to take into account their individual likes and dislikes.

A student I had awhile back was not responding to the strategies we had in place.  They were really good strategies, and other students were responding to the strategies, according to the data we were collecting.  After taking some time to ask some questions about what he liked, we discovered a strategy that worked!  I found out he liked a certain character from a video game (I would be more specific but I forget exactly which character and what video game!) and this helped wrap strategies around this personal interest. 

The checklist has it’s own section for Evidence of Reading Wellness (Reading Health)

The greatest strategies will only work if a reader is receptive to them.  By having the information in this section, the story of the reader becomes more complete, more whole, allowing us as educators and parents to put in action steps that work on every level.

In conclusion, creating personalized portfolios for older struggling readers is a vital step in tracking their progress and ensuring their success. Whether you are transitioning to a new school, preparing for a meeting with a specialist, or conducting a reading assessment, this portfolio checklist offers a comprehensive starting point. By integrating years of research and practical experience, it provides a holistic approach to reading wellness.

Personalization is key to effective reading strategies. As demonstrated by my experience with a student who thrived once his interests were considered, tailoring approaches to individual likes and dislikes can make all the difference. The portfolio’s section on Evidence of Reading Wellness ensures that each reader's unique story is understood, enabling educators and parents to implement strategies that truly resonate.

Remember, the best reading strategies are only effective when they are personalized and aligned with the reader's needs. This checklist not only tracks progress but also empowers educators and parents to create meaningful, impactful action steps that foster real growth in struggling readers.

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